Cash Advance Rates

Applying for a cash advance

Interested in getting a loan? Great! We’d highly recommend you take a look at the overall cost, before going ahead with your cash advance agreement. We encourage all of our customers to only borrow what they think they can afford to pay back. We take no responsibility for consumers who can’t afford to pay back their loan costs. If you believe that you have enough money to cover your cash advance loan repayments with I Want Loan, then please see our rates to the right of this page, as a guide for getting approved for your loan via I Want Loan. I Want Loan is an experienced broker in the finance industry. I Want Loan will allow you to borrow any amount between £100 to £3000. We strongly advise you to think very carefully before applying for a loan with us of any amount just to make sure that you can actually afford it. See our loan rates for more detail.
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I Want Loan

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